Buckingham, former Royal Latin School, Market Hill

Copyright © Kevin Quick. Photo taken 2004


The building has its origins as a 12th century medieval hospital. In 1268, the Archdeacon of Buckingham, Matthew de Stratton, gave an endowment to provide for a chantry priest to say masses for his soul. The building continued as a chapel until the Dissolution of the Monasteries, but had been partially rebuilt in 1471 and 1481 by Archdeacon Ruding. The Chantry priests are believed to have been the first school masters and after the reformation the Chantry Chapel was converted to a school, with a schoolmasters house added to the north (this was rebuilt in 1696). In the late 19th century a three storey building was added, providing extra classrooms. In 1907 the school moved to new premises.


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